Free ELD for USA


After ELD became a mandate in USA, fleet owners and drivers are looking for devices that not only fits with their requirement but also it is reliable and 100% FMCSA compliant. In this article, we are going to talk about TXT ELD that is offering free ELD hardware for USA customers.

ELDs are electronic logging device that is connected to the vehicle’s engine control module unit and records log automatically. Most of the ELD available in the market would cost as much as $800 for the hardware but TXT ELD is offering free ELD hardware with their monthly subscription of only $40.

There are no additional costs that you need to incur or any hidden charges. You only need to subscribe to our premium plan and pay $40 as monthly subscription charge. TXT ELD gives you the offer of the decade by offering free ELD hardware worth $399.

We will come to that later. Before that we must understand the ELD mandate for the United States.


The ELD final rule is a part of MAP-21, which went into effect in 2017. The rule was passed in a bid to ensure the safety of drivers by creating a safe environment and making it easier to track and manage their duty records.

It rules the fleet owners to equip their vehicles with ELD in a bid to reduce the paperwork of drivers to log Hours of Services (HOS) and reduce road accidents.

Quick facts one must know about the US ELD rule:

  • ELD regulations rule the drivers to use the device to log their Hours of Services (HOS) as per the legal limit
  • Cut down on paperwork and improve efficiency
  • Reduce driver fatigue, which leads to road accidents
  • Aims to save billions of dollars by reducing paperwork
  • Fleet owners can track the location of the vehicle and drivers

Exemptions under the US ELD rule:

As per the FMCSA, three groups are exempted from using ELDs:

  • Drivers who use paper logs for 8 days during a 30-day period
  • Driveaway-towaway drivers
  • Drivers of vehicles manufactured before 2000

The FMCSA has also extended the deadline for certain companies:

  • The United Parcel Service, October 2022
  • Motion Picture Association of America, January 2023
  • Truck Renting and Leasing Association, October 2022

TXT ELD has a wide range of features to choose from, however, the best bundles are tailor-made for your easy reference.

FREE ELD hardware for USA Features
Device name TXT ELD Unlimited LTE Network Data
Cost $40 monthly subscription DVIR/PTI (Vehicle Inspection)
Additional Costs $0 Live GPS Tracking
Upfront Cost $0 Customized Alerts & Notifications
Contract type N/A IFTA Fuel Tax & Reporting (State-Wise and Unit-Wise Mileage)
FMCSA Compliant 100% compliant and registered Driver On-Road Behaviour Monitoring/Reporting

As per the US ELD rule, there are certain norms that the fleet owners and drivers should know before procuring the device.

  • No need for third party certification
  • Doesn’t have any time or distance restrictions when it comes to personal conveyance
  • Manufacturers are supposed to get the location of events like yard moves, personal conveyance, duty status, unassigned vehicle moves etc
  • Requires sending a detailed report of eight-day log data to enforcement

FMCSA has provided with a guideline for fleet owners and truckers in case of any ELD malfunction.

  • Note down the malfunction of the ELD and send a written notice to the motor carrier within 24 hours
  • The drivers need to reconstruct the duty log for the last 24 hours and previous 7 consecutive days to ensure there is no data loss due to the malfunction
  • Maintain the manual record of duty status until the ELD is in working condition
  • In case, any driver is inspected for Hours of Services during ELD malfunction then the driver can provide the official safety official with driver’s record of duty status
  • In case of any inconsistency in data, the driver must follow guidelines of motor carriers or ELD’s vendor recommendations.

If you are still looking for ELD device, write to us or call us. TXT ELD offers a 24/7 Multi-Language technical support team that is always available to help you. You can call us at our toll-free number 1-833-TXT-ELOG (898-3564) or drop a mail at or